I declare that I am medically fit to dive according to the RSTC Diver Medical Questionnaire.

I will inform the diving centre if there are any changes in my physical condition after signing the medical statement

I confirm that I have received the necessary training to participate in the diving activities and will only use my equipment if it meets the current national safety regulations. I am responsible for any problems that may arise due to equipment issues.

The diving centre is responsible for maintaining rental equipment, but I will personally check all rented equipment before diving.

I understand the physical demands of diving and have diving accident insurance. Participants must be at least 8 years old and those under 18 require parental consent
The participant will respect international diving regulations and current safety regulations.

I will follow all international diving regulations and safety protocols, and not exceed the maximum depth of 40 meters, engage in decompression dives without appropriate training and certification or use/carry fishing devices, including, but not limited to spear guns, spears or tridents.

Beach dives are only permitted within the buoyed-off swimming area. I will comply with instructions from Divemasters and/or Instructors.

Poseidon Diving Centre is not responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen personal belongings.
I accept the current prices and rules of the Poseidon Diving Centre.

Participants must cancel their registered dives at least one day in advance, or they will be charged the total amount.